
New Art Direction and Page 14

It took me forever to complete page 14 because of work, I spent way too much time trying to animate the clouds to make them flash, and the power went out twice today deleting my progress on my last panel. So damn annoying….

Anyways, after page 15 the comic will be taken in a different art direction. I say after 15 because it’s just a scene inside the Hummer. From page 16 on I’ll be using actual photos from the original planned filming scenes and have the characters interact with the scenes. This will save me LOTS of time in drawing shitty backgrounds, give a little bit of an easter egg effect to the comic, and will parody those live action cartoon movies that Loony Tunes famously does. I’ll be able to produce comics a lot quicker.

Have a good one folks!



Ok ok I’m back for good this time… sheeesh

After a year hiatus I am finally back. I had to focus on school as I was at the cusp of graduation and needed to devote 100% of my resources to that. Then I finally moved home, bought a house, and was stuck without internet for like a month…. then Gary left for the Navy and I had to wait for him to get out so I knew how the hell to work my own site! lol.

So yes, Gary is in the Navy now and he just graduated boot camp. Congrats to Gary Jones who now joins the ranks of America’s finest! 😀

Gary showed me the ropes on adding comics and changing things so updates will be more frequent now. 🙂

Working on page 14… you folks have a good one!



I’m Back

Finally! I have left Fresno, completely done with school there, and moved back home. Right now I’m in the process of trying to obtain jobs but this economy is horrible. Things are starting to look up for me though!

Let’s see here, Christmas was great, I got a Wacom Intuos4 tablet which I LOVE so I have been doing a lot of digital work. I started my children’s book as well which I hope to get published. Ever since I started doing this book I have been SWAMPED with commission requests. FINALLY! 😀

I have 3 new Mass Defect comics, which I am debating if I shall put them on the site or not. Once I learn more about all that sorta stuff I’ll be making Mass Defect it’s own comic line… I don’t want to interrupt the Z-Trooper story. For the mean time, you can find them on my Deviantart page (user name dumbblonde-lms2002).

Gary will be leaving for the Navy some time this year, which depresses me, but he’s gotta do his civic duty and I salute him for it. Meanwhile, I gotta figure out how to do the basic edits of the site while he’s in bootcamp. I swear he’s a master at his craft cause I have NO CLUE what half that gibberish is on my Dreamweaver lol.

A new Z-Trooper will be coming out this week. I know it’s taken me forever, but art just has to “come” to me ya know… I have BAD artistic ADD lol.

Have a good one!



Been a long days night…

Uhg I feel like such a piece of shit for not updating the comic yet. I’ve had two pages almost finished for months now… but I’ve been so busy with my last semester, rugby, and trying to not go insane. When I have free time the last thing I wanna do is draw because I’ve been on the computer all day. So I might as well update you on progress…

I’ve been finishing up here at Fresno, they post poned my graduation again… pissing me off… I’m seriously so done with this school…

I’ve been sort of distracted due to financial reasons… I spent most my summer depressed because I couldn’t get any of the 8 jobs I applied for, so I didn’t feel like drawing..

I’ve been sore. I started playing rugby this semester, which is fun as all hell! But I’m always too sore and tired to do anything after practice…. I almost got my front tooth knocked out at last weeks practice… scared the shit outta me. Good thing I have a good dentist! 😀

I’ve been pissed off. Certain situations that I’m in have been putting me on edge.. and I really can’t concentrate because I’m too pissed.

I’ve been playing Halo Reach:…. I must get all the achievements… lol

So this weekend I am free for once, and I’m working on the next two pages including a Mass Defect page which will probably just go up on Deviantart where all the fan base is.

In December when I am officially done with Fresno State and I move back home I will be filming more Z-Troopers stuff as well.




Comic Con vs WBC… fun for everyone!

HA! Wow, I really can’t believe that inbred family of douchetards is now attacking comic-goers. They have opened my eyes to the appreciation that you all show me, I didn’t know that because you read my comic that you worship me! 🙂 This makes me feel so special! I totally didn’t know that you all had shrines of Lt. Cox, Sgt. Winters, and the gang plastered in on your walls surrounded by scented candles…  I’m going to be so narcissistic as to assume that everyone wearing camo must be “cosplaying” my comic! THANKS GUYS!

Just because the Westboro Baptist Church loves America, it’s soldiers, comic nerds, and Lady Gaga SOOOOO MUCH I’m going to make them a part of this comic! THEN when they go out wearing the American flag, zombie-ing about with their picket signs THEY CAN COSPLAY AS THEMSELVES! AWESOME!



Z Troopers movie!!!!!!


Go to facebook, and check out our fanpage to see!


Looks who’s back! And I got a contest for ya!

Ok I’m back now, after completing the hardest semester of my life, and I have a crap-load of free time. I am almost done with page 12, and I’ve got 13 & 14 sketched out. Look for page 12 tomorrowish.

Now for the first contest. That damn Twilight: Eclipse movie is coming out June 30th, and as much as I wish you all wouldn’t go to it some of you will. I’ve decided to capitalize on this situation by making a contest out of it. Whoever goes to the Eclipse midnight showing, wearing this shirt http://www.zazzle.com/team_zombie_shirt_redo-235459145858360014 and takes a picture of themselves gets to be a zombie in the comic.



2. I am not responsible for buying the shirt… I’m not rich, you sort of have to get it on your own. (Note: the shirt in the store is a woman’s shirt… contact me and I’ll design a men’s shirt if you wish to participate).

3. You have to take a picture of yourself, with the shirt ON, in front of a bunch of Twitards.

4. You need to be 18 or older. It’s creepy to see a 16 year old wearing that shirt.

This is an unlimited contest, so everyone can do it, and there are multiple winners.

Contest numba 2!!!!! With page 12 coming out I’ve given a little snippet with the Zombie Panda picture.


Step 1: become a fan of us on Facebook!

Step 2: Take the blank Zombie Panda Template provided on our facebook page and add your own text. The text must say “Zombie Panda Doesn’t Like…” then insert your own funny quip. The example I put on there is “Zombie Panda Doesn’t Like Twilight”. Now the phrase does not have to have anything to do with Z-Troopers, Pandas, Zombies, or Lt. Col. Stafford… it could be anything random such as “Zombie Panda Doesn’t Like The Lakers” or “Zombie Panda Doesn’t Like The Amber Lamps”.

Step 3: submit your picture to ztroopers@gmail.com or add it as a fan photo on the facbook page.

The winner will be chosen by me (whoever I think is the funniest), and will receive a free t-shirt as well as have their likeliness made into a REOCCURRING CHARACTER. Not just a zombie that dies in one panel, a reoccurring character.

GET TO IT!!!!!!!!! BOTH CONTESTS END JULY 4TH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


AH! Hiatus!

Sorry for the recent hiatus guys! I’ll update the comic soon! I’ve been so busy with school but it’s so worth it… I GET TO GRADUATE!!!! YAAAY!!!!! After May 22nd check for new comics! 😀


Page 11 and New Products

So I FINALLY finished page 11. It took me so long because I’ve been busy as all hell with school and other projects. Also, I couldn’t figure out how to draw it. I’m getting tired of drawing office scenes so I’ve been re-writing them so I can get on with the action shots. Luckily I’m on spring break, so I have a week to catch up to everything, and think this thing out.

I’ve also added a few more products to the store and remade the BG-DLDO Schematic shirt. I’ll be ordering some stuff from the store soon and I’ll give you feedback on the quality. I personally do not produce the products and ship them… dear God I’d never have time for it. Instead I have Zazzle.com handle all of that. The downside is that I cannot physically see them.

Oh and fun fact, my brother is the guy in both “BAULS” poster on page 11 🙂



B.A.U.L.S Contest!

Do YOU got the B.A.U.L.S (beyond advanced, ultra-lethal skills) to be a Zombie Trooper??? Do you wanna win free shit?!

Take a picture of you, your friends, your dog, your mom, etc doing the most “BAULS”-like thing you can imagine. BE CREATIVE! The picture should preferably be funny, have NO NUDITY, and does not offend anyone’s religion, sexual orientation, affiliation, etc…. in other words, use good judgement. I don’t literally want a pair of testicles in a picture.

Anyways, then add to your picture “I’ve got the B.A.U.L.S to be a Zombie Trooper at http://www.z-troopers.com!” This MUST be ON the picture in order for it to be valid. Then post this picture on your facebook, myspace, or email it to me at ztroopers@gmail.com

The winner will be drawn as a Zombie, get a candy bar, and receive a free “BAULS” T-shirt! OMG! CANDY!!!! All participants will have their pictures put into a gallery on the website.

Contest ends April 17th! GO NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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